12 Week Transformation

The Primal Warrior 12-week transformation is a highly structured program designed to help men achieve their best physique in just 12 weeks. By implementing a strict training routine and targeted diet plan, this program simultaneously builds lean muscle mass and reduces body fat. With the potential to lose between 10-15% body fat and significantly increase lean muscle mass, participants can expect impressive results. This progressive program incorporates various workout phases and a macronutrient-based diet plan to optimise muscle growth and aesthetics. Are you ready to become a Primal Warrior and unlock your full potential?

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What you get:

  • A progressive 12 week training plan (Monthly change)
  • A 12 week macronutrient based calorie capped diet plan with two options per
  • meal
  • Q&A support on Instagram live
  • Monthly best result featured on Primal Warrior winners page and free merch of your choice
  • The physique you’ve always wanted

Who is this suitable for:

Want to level up to get in the best shape of your life in 12 weeks?Ideally for people who already have a base of experience with training and diet plans.

This plan is to get you in the best shape you’ve ever been in, for a competition, a holiday, a wedding, or just to get your shit together and show everyone who you really are.

This is the plan I use when I’m bang on it and dialled in to get as jacked and as ripped as possible. Discipline and consistency is king!


£ 28.00 

28 Day Challenge

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£ 159.00 

16 Week Lifestyle Change

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12 Week Transformation

£ 129.00 

The Primal Warrior 12-week transformation is a highly structured program designed to help men achieve their best physique in just 12 weeks. By implementing a strict training routine and targeted diet plan, this program simultaneously builds lean muscle mass and reduces body fat. With the potential to lose between 10-15% body fat and significantly increase lean muscle mass, participants can expect impressive results. This progressive program incorporates various workout phases and a macronutrient-based diet plan to optimise muscle growth and aesthetics. Are you ready to become a Primal Warrior and unlock your full potential?

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12 Week Transformation

£ 129.00 


Project Income




Project growth

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