The primal warrior system is a progressive 16 week training program designed to expose you to every energy system within weight training, utilising our own Primal warrior CSTC workout routine.

Choose your programme

The program changes every month alongside a progressive macronutrient and calorie driven diet plan, with all the options and hacks you’ll need to fuel your workouts without feeling like you’re on a restricted diet.  

Alongside your weight training plan we encourage you to diversify your training by exploring one, two or more of the four Primal warrior movements, run, swim, climb and fight. By combining your chosen primal movements with your weights routine, not only will you build muscle and strength while simultaneously dropping body fat, you’ll stay mobile, flexible and aerobically fit, all while learning new skills to be the best version of you.

Weight training






What is
primal warrior?

Primal warrior is a men’s lifestyle brand rooted in training and nutrition. Finding your feet as a younger man in this world can be quite daunting in today's ever changing society, or as an older man feeling unable to keep up with how fast things have changed over the past 20 years.
I find the best starting point to get ahead, make a change or take back control, is a quality training and nutrition plan, with balance.
Designed to expose you to every energy system within weight training and encourages you to explore one or more of the four primal movements. Run, swim, climb and fight. It is important to find what you enjoy in order to develop a sustainable training plan for your physique, fitness and lifestyle goals.
We promote physical and creative pursuits to create a community of men who express positive masculinity, helping each other find solutions and creating a better environment for ourselves, our friends and families, and ultimately better men for society.

Who is primal
warrior For?

Primal warrior is for any man who wants to live their life with balance. A tried and tested system to ensure health, strength, power and sustainability, with a good physique and an enjoyable lifestyle. We promote a beer with the lads at the weekend just as much as a hard workout during the week.

For men who are looking to be a part of a community, who want to take control of themselves, pursue their goals and ambitions with focus and drive, and ultimately have a good time doing it. After all, we're here for a good time, not a long time!Primal warrior is a lifestyle, an option, for all men.

Free Barbell complex programme

The barbell complex program is the perfect preparation for your primal transformation. Nail down the moves you will need to tap into your instincts, evolve youR mind and your body.

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